Online Finding Process on Bihar Bhumi Rohtas or ROR in website….
Bihar Bhumi website was officially introduced by the Bihar State Government. This website dedicated to the Bihar State citizens only not for other state citizens. In this web portal district or city or town or village wide land records or land owners information available. So every land owner may have to know your property details in Biharbhoomi official website.

How to Check Bihar Bhumi Rohtas or ROR Service on the Bihar Bhumi Website
Every citizen must know the data on how to check Bihar Rohtas or Bihar Bhumi Rohtas in Bihar Bhumi website steps are as follows……
- Visit the Bihar Bhumi official web portal by typing this URL: on the search tab of your web browser before initiating a search
- The map of Bihar State will be displayed on the screen of your device. Here, you have to click on your ‘District’
- You’ll be redirected to a new page on the site. Here, the District Name and Last Name will have been auto-filled correctly.
- Now choose the ‘Meja Name’ from the drop-down list that appears after clicking on this option
- Next, click on the option for which you want to initiate a search after which you should fill in the required details. Some of the options you need to choose from include ‘Search by Name, Plot Number, Account Number‘, and ‘Jamabandi Number‘
- Correctly fill in the ‘Page Number Current’ in the space set aside for this detail
- You’ll have to choose between ‘Search Plot Number’ and ‘See All Register-2 by Name’
- Confirm all the details you’ve just filled in to check whether everything is correct
- Finally, click on the ‘Search’ button to initiate a search. Wait for the page to load after which the Records of Rights (ROR) will be displayed on the screen of your device
- For those who want to print all the details, then you simply have to click on the ‘Print All’ option
- Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Print Register’ option, and you’re good to go
There you have it, what you ought to do before you can finally access Rohtas or ROR service on the Bihar Bhumi website. Keep in mind there are no restrictions on the number of times you can leverage what the portal has to offer. Hopefully, this post will serve as a good starting point whenever you want to access ROR service online from any location of choice at any time of the day.